Another in the Fire - Week 7

Christ in Old Testament | Another in the Fire

Lesson 7  Daniel 3

Understanding the Truth with one another

Verse by Verse ~ Topic by Topic ~ Argument by Argument

CONTEXT to Discuss

According to Scripture, Israel was taken into exile first because she failed to keep the Sabbatical Year (2 Chron 36:21); second, but primarily, because she worshiped idols (2 Kings 21:1-15). In God’s perfect discipline, He sends Israel to Babylon, THE center for idol worship. Of noble birth, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah are among the first deported. Immediately, these young men shrewdly circumvent eating food integral to idol worship, and their health surpasses all competition. Then after three years of Babylonian education, they are ten times wiser in all tested subjects than all the magicians (sacred literature experts) and enchanters (religious experts). When the lives of all wise men are threatened, these four pray asking God to not only interpret King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, but to supply its content. God answers their prayer, and the King praises the God of godS, Lord of kings, and revealer of mysteries.

Read Daniel 3:1-7.

1.  What is Nebuchadnezzar’s attitude toward himself? How does the author convey a subtle mocking tone toward the King’s opinion?



2.  Daniel credits God for giving him the content and interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Dan 2). Daniel reveals that God had given the King universal dominion as the “head of gold,” but also that an inferior “silver” kingdom would supplant his. In building a 90 feet high by 9 feet wide idol made entirely of gold, what was Nebuchadnezzar’s attitude toward God?


3. Read Daniel 3:8-23.

a. How would you characterize the Chaldeans (native Babylonians) and Nebuchadnezzar in this section? Consider their attitude toward God and His people in your answer.




b. How would you characterize Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah in this section? Consider their attitude toward God in your answer.




Read Daniel 3:24-30.

4.  How does God answer Nebuchadnezzar’s question: “And who is the god who will deliver you out of my hands?” Discuss the details well and how they are God’s answer to a man who “set up” himself as god.


5.  Why does Nebuchadnezzar attitude change toward God and His people?

6.  A chiasm in the Bible builds a sequence of ideas, then reflects those ideas in reverse order. But the idea in the exact center is the Main Idea, for it has no reversal. Review the chiasm to the right below --

a. How are Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah a type of Messiah (sent one)?

b. How does God vindicate the ones He sends, including His Son?

Connecting to one another & Living the Truth as we are sent out

7.  Until Jesus’ Second Coming we will live in the Times of the Gentiles (pagans). What is most fearful to you about the times in which you now live that you must face with faith? Make a prayer request list below.


Notes to Discuss -- Some of Daniel’s purposes for writing this book include:  a. to show Jews living in a Gentile (pagan) kingdom how to remain faithful to God  b. to show Jews how to look out for one another’s welfare during captivity  c. to teach Gentiles the nature of the God of heaven because in their pagan thinking since Israel was in exile, this meant their God was defeated.

8.  Our four faithful young men, our faithful Savior knew God. What do you know to be true about God that helps you remain faithful to Him while you live as a stranger in a strange land?

Perhaps considering the meanings of our key characters’ names will give you ideas: Daniel (God is Judge), Hananiah (God is gracious), Mishael (Who is what God is?), Azariah (God helps).



9.  One way we can look out for one another is to pray to the God we know. When our four faithful young men prayed, not only did God care for them, He also witnessed to the pagan about Himself, the One True God. Pray as those who stand in fire whose deliverance is sure because your Deliver stands with you. Pray for those who see you stand firm to know Him as their Deliverer.


Homework – Read Haggai 1-2 for next week’s lesson.                                                        

God’s joy & strength to you,


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