Walk in Holiness - Week 8

Lesson Eight Eph. 4:25-32

Connecting to one another

Read Zechariah 8:1-8 and 20-23. This speaks of God’s promise to dwell among His people when He recreates a new heaven and earth. How does passage stir your heart? Share and then open in praise together.

Understanding, Applying, and Praying the Truth

Last week we closed with this – “Pray for what God imagined for Grace Bible Church & Somos Grace since before the foundation of the world to be reality. It takes a village to raise each child God gives us. Pray to be a villager.” Keep this in mind today. Be willing today to let God refine you as a villager He uses.

Read Ephesians 4:25-32.

1.  Verse 25

CONTEXT –  In Zechariah 8, between the promises of all people dwelling with God is a command: “Speak the truth to one another” Zechariah 8:16b. Paul is referencing this command here.

o   What have we already put off and are to keep off? (See “Terms to Know on page 4.)



o   What are we to put on?



o   How does each person’s obedience here build the Body of Christ that looks like Jesus?




Where have you gained victory in this area? How did you do that?


What about these verses convicts you now? What steps should you take?



Confession Petition Praise – As we learned last week, putting off our old self starts with simple confession. You may do this silently or speak into the silence with your confession. After a time of silent or vocal confession, move to petitioning God that we would each and as a body look like Jesus. Choose ahead of time who will close this prayer time with praise. Follow these directions for each time of Confession-Petition-Praise that closes each section. 

2.  Verses 26-27

CONTEXT – Read Psalm 4. David brings to God an injustice he experienced. His posture is to wait on God instead of seeking justice on his own. Bring your understanding of this Psalm to these verses.

o   What are we to put off?



o   What are we to put on?



o   How does each person’s obedience here build the Body of Christ that looks like Jesus?


Where have you gained victory in this area? How did you do that?

What about these verses convicts you now? What steps should you take?


Confession Petition Praise –


3.  Verses 28

CONTEXTAfter their exodus from slavery, the new nation of Israel is told to labor for six days and to rest for one. Then six verses later, they are commanded, “Do not stealExodus 20:9 and 15.

o   What are we to put off?



o   What are we to put on?



o   How does each person’s obedience here build the Body of Christ that looks like Jesus?


Where have you gained victory in this area? How did you do that?


What about these verses convicts you now? What steps should you take?


Confession Petition Praise –

 4.  Verses 29-32

CONTEXT – After their exodus from slavery, Israel “rebelled and grieved [God’s] Holy Spirit.” In time they looked just like the Gentiles “like those over whom you [God] have never ruled, like those who are not called by your name” Isaiah 63:10a and 19.

o   What are we to put off?



o   What are we to put on?



o   How does each person’s obedience here build the Body of Christ that looks like Jesus?


Where have you gained victory in this area? How did you do that?


What about these verses convicts you now? What steps should you take?


Confession Petition Praise –





Worship ALL Week  At Grace we trust Christ to transform us as we abide in Him daily.


o   Homework – Read Ephesians 5:1-20 in preparation for next week. Ask God to reveal where you please Him by imitating the selfless love of Christ and where you are displeasing Him.



o   Review where you were convicted in this week’s lesson. What other steps of repentance should you take this week now that you confessed to God? Is there a person you should confess to or seek forgiveness from or ask to hold you accountable in this area? Is there retribution you need to make? If you need help, then reach out to your group for wisdom and prayer.




God’s joy and strength to you!                                                                                      




Terms to Know EPHESIANS 4:25-32


anger – violent passion Eph 4:26


“as fits the occasion” – that which is lacking and particularly needed, absent, unavailable Eph 4:29 


bitterness – a state of sharp, intense resentment or hate Eph 4:31


“building up” – referring to edification, to increase the potential of someone or something with focus upon the process involved Eph 4:29  See “building also in Eph 2:20-22; 4:12, 16


clamor – the sound of a loud scream or shout Eph 4:31


corrupting – rotting, decaying, harmful Eph 4:29 


falsehood – refers to deceitful lusts Eph 4:25


forgiving one another – to forgive on the basis of one’s gracious attitude toward an individual, “engracing”  Eph 4:32


grieving the Spirit – does not mean we ultimately thwart the work of the Spirit. See Acts 7:51 & 1 Thess 5:19


kind – soft and mild; not harsh, stern or severe Eph 4:32


malice – a feeling of hostility and strong dislike with a possible implication of desiring to do harm Eph 4:31


slander – to speak against someone in such a way as to harm or injure his or her reputation Eph 4:31


tenderhearted – pertaining to being affectionate and compassionate Eph 4:32


wrath – a state of intense anger with the implication of passionate outbursts Eph 4:31


Walk in Love & Wisdom - Week 9


Walk in Newness - Week 7