Hebrews: Maturing in Christ - Week 6
For the week of October 11th
Connecting (Aim for 15 minutes)
Breaking the Ice/Think Time
1. Share with the group about a time in your life when you (or someone you know) were saved or protected by paying attention to an important warning.
Quick Review… Looking back at your notes from this Sunday’s sermon, what caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Understanding the Truth (Aim for 30 minutes)
Read Hebrews 5:11-14
1. What are some of the results of being sluggish in our spiritual walk? Why is important for us to move form “milk to solid food” when it comes to maturing in God’s word?
2. Read Hebrews 6:1-3. What are the basic doctrines that all believers should be knowledgeable of before moving onto more mature doctrine? Why do you think the author warns us about changing the truth surrounding these foundational topics?
3. Who is the author talking about in verses 4-6?
4. What does it mean to have “fallen away” (Hebrews 6:6)? How are we supposed to interpret that in light of verses like John 10:27-30 and Ephesian 1:4-5?
5. Read Hebrews 6:10-12. Throughout the Bible, we are often presented with warnings and rules to follow, which are then followed up by reminders of God’s promises. What do you think that reveals about God’s character and heart for us? What do you think that reveals about our human character?
Living the Truth (Aim for 20 minutes) – Consider breaking up in same gender groups.
1. What are some barriers in your own life (distractions, comforts, fear, false information, etc) that cause you to regress or get stuck in your faith? What is one step you can take to remove these hindrances to the maturity of your faith?
2. What are some of the main practices that Pastor Eddie mentioned we should do in order to avoid falling away? Write down at least one that you’d like to improve in and actively pursue it for the next couple of weeks.
Prayer Requests (Aim for minimum of 10 minutes)