Hope - Week 4: Who Am I?

Small Group Discussion Guide 
For the week of September 22nd

Connecting (Aim for 15 minutes)

• Breaking the ice/Think Time

• What’s one word your loved ones would use to describe you? 

  1. Quick Review… Looking back at your notes from this Sunday’s sermon, what caught your attention, challenged, or confused you? 

Understanding the Truth (Aim for 30-40 minutes)

Read 1 Peter 1:22-25

  1. According to (v.22a), what purifies our souls? 

  2. To what ends is our soul purified in this text? (v.22b) 

  3. How are we supposed to love one another? (v.22c) 

  4. The reason we are supposed to love in such a way is that “we have been born again” through the abiding word. How does Peter describe this abiding word? (v.23-25)  

Read 1 Peter 2:1-10

  1. The word “so” denotes result, v.1 tells us then to put away malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy and slander as a result of; what have we received that should cause us to put away these sinful ways?  

  2. Take some time and define the 5 sins of attitude in v.1.  

  3. V.2 tells us to “long for the pure spiritual milk” which is the word of God. How does God’s word cause us to grow and challenge the list of sins in v.1?  

  4. Jesus the “living stone” was rejected by men, however, how does Peter describe his place with God in v.4? 

  5. As we come to him the “Living Stone” what is our purpose in v.5? (There are two) 

  6. In vv. 6-8 Peter quotes Is. 28:16, a passage about Jesus being the cornerstone and stumbling block for those that didn’t believe. What reason does v.8 give for their disbelief? 

  7. Together make a list of who v.9 says we are. 

  8. For what purpose has God made us this people according to v.9b? 

  9. What two reasons does v.10 give for why we should serve as a holy and royal priesthood? 

  10. Take some time and summarize 1 Peter 1:22-2:10. 

Seeing Our Savior

Read Is. 28:16; Jn. 6:38; Hebrews 12:2

Jesus, secure in who He was and what He had come to do, overcame rejection as He laid His life down for the Father’s will. Even His friends denied Him in His most difficult time and yet, He pressed forward for the joy set before Him giving His life as a sacrifice. He resurrected on the third day confirming the Father’s choice of Him and giving the saints a living hope. 

Living the Truth (Aim for 20 minutes) 
1. How we view ourselves has a big impact on who we are. We are shaped by this view and are led to sinful patterns such as pride, abuse of others, addictions and other self-destructive patterns. Which of these patterns do you struggle with and what insecurity leads to it? Discuss and share with your group.  

  1. Read 1 Peter 2:9 again, now in light of the gospel and understanding who you are in Christ, how does this verse encourage you in those areas of insecurities that you have struggled with.  

  2. The purpose for God calling us his own is for us to proclaim his excellencies to others. Who has God placed on your heart recently that you would like to share the gospel with? Discuss a plan of action with your group for accountability.  

  3. Pray for each other about the insecurities that were shared and for confidence to proclaim his excellencies. 

God not only hears, but loves to answer prayers that are “according to His will.” (1 John 5:14-15). We can pray confidently when we pray obediently to this truth. You have just spent time discovering God’s will for you. Now, ask God for what you need to fulfill His will in your life, your friends & family, neighbors, church & community. Don’t be afraid to ask forgiveness where you have blown it, strength where you are weak, courage where you are afraid.

 Prayer Requests (Aim for minimum of 10 minutes) 
Pray that God reveals to you who He truly is 


Hope - Week 5: Following His Example


Hope - Week 3: A Fearful Obedience