Joyful Living - Week 2: Joyful Suffering

Small Group Discussion Guide 
For the week of Feb. 9, 2020

Connecting (Aim for 15 minutes)

• Breaking the ice/Think Time

• What is your ultimate goal in life? How does your faith in Christ shape that goal? 

  1. Quick Review… Looking back at your notes from this Sunday’s sermon, what caught your attention, challenged, or confused you? 

Understanding the Truth (Aim for 30-40 minutes)

Read Phil. 1:12-18

  1. How did God turn Paul’s imprisonment and sufferings to God’s glory? How did he view the results of his troubles(vs.12)?  

  2. Who had opportunity to hear the Gospel as a result of Paul’s circumstances (vs. 13)? 

  3. What effect did Paul’s imprisonment have on most of the brethren (vs. 14)? Is this what would normally be expected today? Explain.  

  4. What good motives did some have for preaching? What bad motives did others have(vs. 15-17)?  

  5. How did Paul view the result of preaching the gospel, regardless of the motives of the preachers (vs. 18)? Would he have thought this way if these men were teaching error? Explain. 

  6. Give examples that illustrate how people today sometimes preach truth but with bad motives. Does God approve of their bad motives? What lessons should we learn?  

Read Phil. 1:19-30 
7. What did Paul expect to result from his circumstances (v.19)? What did he believe would bring about this result?  

  1. Was he certain whether he would live or die (v. 20)? In either case, what did he expect and hope would be the most important outcome for the church?  

  2. What advantage did Paul believe there would be if he continued to live? What advantage did he see if he were to die? Explain both advantages and which he decided to and why (vs. 21-24). 

  3. What outcome was Paul confident of as a result of his circumstances? What ultimate effect would this have (vs.25-26)?  

  4. Whether or not Paul saw them again, what kind of life did he urge them to lead (vs. 27-30)? What is required in order to live such a life?  

Seeing Our Savior

Read Hebrews 12:1-3; 2 Cor. 5:21; John 3:16

As followers of Jesus, we do not rejoice in suffering because we enjoy pain, but because Jesus is so worthy in our lives and hearts that we delight in being identified with Him. Jesus Christ endured great suffering so that His Father’s will would be done. That anyone who believes in Him will have eternal life. All suffering is temporary. Our trails are not worth comparing with the glory that awaits us in eternity. We should rejoice in this. 

Living the Truth (Aim for 20 minutes)

  1. What kind of “imprisonment” in your life has God used to glorify Himself? 

  2. How can God be glorified through a crisis in your life? Does your answer change your attitude about the bad things that are happening or may happen to you? Explain.  

  3. What does it look like in your life to “walk worthy of the callng” that we have in Christ? 

  4. Who is someone that you can boldly share the Gospel with this week? Pray as a group for these individuals so that the Gopsle can be shared and received.  

God not only hears, but loves to answer prayers that are “according to His will.” (1 John 5:14-15). We can pray confidently when we pray obediently to this truth. You have just spent time discovering God’s will for you. Now, ask God for what you need to fulfill His will in your life, your friends & family, neighbors, church & community. Don’t be afraid to ask forgiveness where you have blown it, strength where you are weak, courage where you are afraid.

 Prayer Requests (Aim for minimum of 10 minutes) 
Pray that God reveals to you who He truly is 


Joyful Living - Week 3: Joy in Humility


Joyful Living - Week 1: Confidence Produces Joy