Joyful Living - Week 9: Rejoice in The Lord
Small Group Discussion Guide
For the week of March 29, 2020
Connecting (Aim for 15 minutes)
Breaking the Ice/Think Time
What is the hardest adjustment(s) that you have had to make in this season?
Quick Review… Looking back at your notes from this Sunday’s sermon, what caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Understanding the Truth (Aim for 30-40 minutes)
Read Phil. 4:1-9
What is the “therefore” there for in verse 1? What is Paul referring back to?
Why does Paul say to stand firm “in the Lord” and not just “stand firm”?
Who are Euodia and Syntyche? What does Paul plea with them to do? (v. 2)
In verse 3, who is Paul referring to when he uses the term “workers?” What does this show us about our responsibility as a church?
What does it mean to rejoice in the Lord? (v.4)
When are we to rejoice? (v. 4a) Even in seasons of uncertainty? Is it possible to have joy when something seemingly very bad happens? Why or why not?
Read verse 5. How can we let our “reasonableness” spirit be known to everyone in the season that we are in?
Is verse 6 a suggestion? What are we supposed to do instead of being anxious?
How do we need to come to God with prayer and supplication to let our requests be known? (v. 6) Do you practice this? Why or why not?
What will the result be if we decide to be still and trust in God in these kinds of situations? (v.7)
Why does it say that this peace is beyond understanding? Have you ever experienced this kind of peace? When?
In verses 8-9, Paul ends this passage by writing “think about these things.” What things is he talking about? What will be with us if we “practice these things?”
Seeing Our Savior
Read: Matthew 6:25-30, Proverbs 12:25, John 14:1, Psalms 55:2; 28:7; 40:16, Isaiah 12:2, 2 Timothy 1:7,1 Peter 5:7, James 1:2-4, 1 Thess. 5:16-18, Romans 5:1-4; 15:13, 2 Cor. 4:17-18.
Jesus offers eternal hope and joy that surpasses the temporal sorrow and suffering this world has. Therefore, we are not called to overcome the world ourselves because Jesus already did. He provides His children with a certain future — a “living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” and “an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade” (2 Pet. 1:3-4). It is because of this that we can Rejoice in the Lord and not be anxious!
Living the Truth (Aim for 20 minutes)
We are living in a season of uncertainty and anxiety. This week’s sermon showed us how we can overcome our anxiety and have peace. Rejoice in the Lord, be gentle so that all can see and pray. In what area do you feel you need to work on?
Share with your group what is something you are anxious about? Take time to pray for each other.
What is something you have to be thankful for? (Share one by one.)
Read Romans 8:28. In what ways are you seeing God work all things for good during this season?
God not only hears but loves to answer prayers that are “according to His will.” (1 John 5:14-15). We can pray confidently when we pray obediently to this truth. You have just spent time discovering God’s will for you. Now, ask God for what you need to fulfill His will in your life, your friends & family, neighbors, church & community. Don’t be afraid to ask forgiveness where you have blown it, strength where you are weak, courage where you are afraid.
Prayer Requests (Aim for minimum of 10 minutes)
Pray that God reveals to you who He truly is