Worthy of Everything | Mark 14:1-11
Intro – We go to great lengths for the things we deem worthy
Passage and Outline
The woman compared with the opposition to Jesus (Jesus is worthy)
Mark’s sandwich structure means we should read 14:1-2 and 14:10-11 together with 14:3-9
The overarching connection: preparations for Jesus’s death
The religious leaders and Judas were after personal gain whereas the woman was selfless givinging
The difference is that the woman recognized that Jesus is worthy
Illustration from Everything Sad is Untrue
The woman compared with the other guests at the meal (Jesus is worthy of everything I have to give)
The other guests think what the woman did was a waste; Jesus calls it beautiful
Jesus and giving to the poor – the uniqueness of Jesus
The other guests knew Jesus was worthy of SOMETHING, but not EVERYTHING; the woman knew
How much of our time, talents, and treasure are we giving to God?
The personalization of it – we each have a unique contribution to make, like this woman
The woman compared with Jesus (Jesus is worthy of everything I have to give because he gave everything for us)
How can we truly live like this? It has to start with a heart that loves Jesus
Jesus’s death is an even greater example of this woman’s act of love and devotion
His body broken like the woman’s flask, his blood poured out like the woman’s ointment
The ultimate picture of the worthiness of Jesus is the cross and empty tomb; that’s the gospel
The gospel doesn’t invite us into a comfortable life, it invites us into a life of giving everything