Baptism &  Partnership

At Grace, we don’t have members that fill a seat, we have partners who play a part. We believe that God has called us to serve Him together and to be accountable to each other. Once you are ready to take the next step, our Partnership Workshop will help you explore the vision of the church and uncover the part you can play.


We practice full immersion, administered to those individuals who have made a personal profession of faith in Jesus Christ. Baptism does not save a person, but is a public testimony of salvation. Everyone who believes in Christ as their savior is encouraged to observe this ordinance. Public baptisms are held monthly.

Become a Partner

Grace Bible Church encourages, but does not require, partnership. The preferred pathway toward partnership is for interested persons to meet our pastor at a New Attenders Luncheon, and then attend the New Partners Workshop.

  • Eligibility

    Any person who believes in Jesus Christ as Savior and has been baptized may be considered for church partnership. Persons who have made a confession of faith in Christ and have attended a Partnership Workshop are eligible to be considered for partnership.

  • Procedure

    The first step for a person desiring to become a partner is to attend a New Partners Workshop, where they learn about the values and beliefs of Grace Bible Church. At the conclusion of the workshop, each individual is given the opportunity to continue the partnership process by agreeing to the expectations of being a partner. After the New Partners workshop, individuals will be scheduled for an interview so the leadership of the church can become acquainted with them.