Unmask: Unmask Anxiety - Week 4
For the week of June 26th, 2020
Connecting (Aim for 15 minutes)
Breaking the Ice/Think Time
Share a time when you felt overcome by anxiety?
Quick Review… Looking back at your notes from this Sunday’s sermon, what caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Understanding the Truth (Aim for 30 minutes)
Read Matt. 6:25-33
1. Jesus gives the command in v. 25 and v. 31, “to not be anxious about our life or our needs in life. So, why do we as believers struggle with being anxious? What areas of life are you most anxious about?
2. In v. 27, Jesus makes the point that we can’t add a single day to our lives by being anxious. Does it then make sense for a believer to fear dearth? Why do you personally fear death?
Read 1 Peter 5:7
3. Peter went from worrier to trusting God and writing to others to “cast our anxieties on him”. What do you think changed in Peter and do you think it can happen for you as well?
Read Romans 12:3
4. We need to renew our minds in the way that we think about God and only then can we have full trust that God is sovereign (in control) of our lives. How can this truth alone change our anxieties?
Living the Truth (Aim for 20 minutes)
Read Phil. 4:6
1. This passage gives us keys in how to approach God in times of need. First, it calls us to be in prayer. Second, it tells us to bring our urgent pleas before him. Last, is to always be thankful. How can you challenge yourself to live this out when moments of anxiety are fast approaching in your life?
Prayer Requests (Aim for minimum of 10 minutes)