The Rapture - Week 6
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
In A.W.E. of You, Lord!
Connecting to one another
Describe something you received or experienced that was worth the wait.
Context of Today’s Passage – When Tseganesh came to the U.S. as an adopted child, she was missing those she left behind. I told her I hoped one day we could travel to Ethiopia, but if not, then our hope was that God would unite us as one family in heaven. Waiting for all of us to die seemed a bit grim for a six year old, so then I told her that we might be together even sooner because Jesus could return any day. You have to love a kid because she took the explanation of that totally in stride -- Or so I thought – until two weeks later, she asked me, “Why hasn’t Jesus returned yet, Mommy?”
The Thessalonians had the same question. Paul had taught them that Jesus was coming again “and to wait for his Son from heaven, when he raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come” (1:10). On the night before He died, Jesus comforted His disciples with this Truth. Read John 14:1-3.
Jesus simply taught that at some point He would come to take believers to where He was, heaven. The Thessalonians, however, wondered if those who had already died would miss out on what we call the Rapture of the Church. If they did, would they then have to wait even longer to be resurrected? Paul answers this question in today’s text, and also reminds us as disciples and disciplemakers that correct theology informs correct application.
Understanding the Truth with one another
Verse by Verse ~ Topic by Topic ~ Argument by Argument
Read 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18.
Verse 13
1a. Why does Paul describe believers as “asleep”?
1b. Paul is not reprimanding the Thessalonians for grieving. What is he correcting?
Verses 14-15
2. Paul often states in his letters that believers are “in Christ.” How unified are we? In verse 14, Paul references that in His first coming Jesus died and rose again. What, then, is the Thessalonians’ confidence (hope) for those in Christ who died?
Many of the questions that follow are theological “checking for understanding” questions. You can proceed through those quickly to allow more time for the application questions.
Now Paul lists seven chronological stages of the Rapture.
Verse 16
3. List the first five stages below:
3b. In military practices, the Commander, gives the order first. Who is this?
3c. What is role of the archangel?
3d. What is the purpose of the trumpet?
3e. Two shouts and a trumpet? Why all the noise?
3e. Note again Paul’s use of “in Christ,” so who, specifically, will rise from the dead?
3f. How does the verse encourage you to exalt the Messiah?
Verse 17
4. List the last two stages below:
5a. The Tribulation consists of seven years when God will pour out His wrath in judgment for the unbelief of both Jews and Gentiles. In this text where is it clear that Paul believed that believers would not experience the Tribulation?
5b. How is that a “comfort”?
5c. What is an even greater comfort for all who wait for His return?
Living the Truth as we are sent out
Overarching Question -- How can we live in FAITH, LOVE, and HOPE in light of the PAST and in view of FUTURE?
6. In the book of Revelation, the Church is referenced only in the chapters before and after the Tribulation. It is not referenced at all during the chapters depicting the events of the Tribulation. Will anyone become a believer during the Tribulation? Yes!
How does this text, however, encourage us to share the gospel now? Do you know how to do share the gospel?
7. Paul spoke Truth to the Thessalonians who were in the midst of trials and persecutions. What are you in the midst of right now? Share it with your group. Then, Group, “encourage one another” with the Truth.
Praying Through the Truth for one another
How can we pray for you in light of what you learned in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18?
Pray for one another, our church and our city in light of the imminent return of Christ.
8. Homework -- See lesson’s title, borrowed from Pastor Eddie’s sermon. Throughout your week, you can journal about how you have applied A.W.E. to your relationship with Christ and His Church.
Accept His gift of Salvation (Eph. 2:8-10)
Walk in manner worthy of your calling (Eph 4:1)
Encourage one another (1 Thess. 4:18)
God’s joy and strength to you!