God's Will - Week 5

1 Thessalonians 4:1-12                                                               

Walking Who You Already Are in Christ

Context of Today’s Passage – For the first three chapters, Paul laid a road of trust by reminding the Thessalonians what the Father accomplishED in them through Christ. He concluded by praying God would establish their “hearts blameless in HOLINESS before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus...” (3:13). In today’s reading he shifts to application and commands them to “walk” in holiness on that road of trust. 


Connecting to one another

Share with your group a time you were enslaved to a particular sin but had victory because you trusted what Christ had done for you and in you through His death and resurrection.

Understanding the Truth with one another 

Verse by Verse Topic by Topic ~ Argument by Argument

Read 1 Thessalonians 4: 1-12                                                                                   

Verses 1-3

1a. Review verses 1-3a, stopping at the word “sanctification.” Why would you include the repeated details and diction (words used) Paul includes?


1b. Now read all of verse 3. Make a list of sexual sins that Paul could be encompassing with the words “sexual immorality.” 



Verses 4-8

2a. One of my standby questions as I’m counseling a believer who is struggling with personal sin or recovery is “What do you KNOW to be true about God?” Make a list of God’s attributes that Paul states directly or ones you can infer from verses 4-8. 


2b. In verse 5, Paul reminds the Thessalonians that the Gentiles sin because they do not know God. How would remembering who God is empower a disciple to “control his or her own body in holiness and honor”?



3. The Word is God’s revealed will for us. In this passage what do we know is God’s will for us in regard to our body? (verses 4-5)


4a. Now we will explore God’s will for us in regard to others. Read verse 6 again. Go to question 1c and list the people who suffer when a believer is sexually immoral. Discuss the impact of these sexually immoral choices on others. 




4b. In God’s Word, He tells us stories of both believers and unbelievers who chose to be sexually immoral and the victims harmed by their choices. That these stories are told so candidly and soberly, helps us to trust our Father and His Word and Will. You have time here to summarize and discuss a few *stories from the Bible that illustrate that. As you discuss, consider how these stories could encourage one enslaved to sexual sin and those affected by it.


*a few examples include -- Shechem and Dinah, Potiphar’s wife and Joseph, David and Bathsheba, Amnon and Tamar

4c. Review verses 6-8. These verses are also written candidly and soberly. What will be the outcome when we practice sexual immorality? 





Verses 9-12

5a. In verse 11 what does it mean to “live quietly” and to “mind your own affairs” and “work with your hands”? 


5b. Why does Paul connect these three commands? See verse 12


6. In verse 9, Paul opens with “Now concerning brotherly love....” How do the commands of verse 11 fall under Jesus’ command that we love one another as He has loved us? (John 15:12)



Living the Truth as we are sent out 

Overarching Question -- How can we live in FAITH, LOVE, and HOPE in light of the PAST and in view of FUTURE?

As disciplemakers we should teach our disciples how to walk purely and selflessly because God does hold them accountable and the world sees the truth of the gospel as they walk that road of trust in God. But how can we lead them on this road if we are not walking it ourselves? 

Read 1 James 5:15-16.

7a. Last week we learned how we battle our flesh, the world and Satan. Whenever I have kept sin in the dark, then Satan seizes that opportunity to condemn me and tempt me further. But whenever I confess my sin to my husband or dear friend, Satan loses that battle. 

You have an opportunity to take a first courageous step with brothers or sisters who can help you to grow in holiness. Group, take time to pray individually and silently about that right now for a few minutes. Then confess if you are struggling with sexual immorality or with selfishness. Keep your details brief and matter of fact without sharing names of those involved.

7b. The prayer of a righteous sister or brother is power and effective...!  Pray for those who courageously confessed right now. 


If time allows, then you can do question 8 in group. If it does not, then, leaders, you can start a conversation through text that can be discussed back and forth throughout the week.

8a. Walking Who We Already Are in Christ is a process (sanctification). You’ve won the battle of bringing sin to light, but we must still stand firm. List here lies that we believe about God and His will for us to walk purely and selflessly. 

8b. Choose one lie and write down the entire verse that rebukes that lie with Truth. You can find verses easily on the internet if you search a few key words. 



8c. This week your group is going to text Bible verses to one another that replace lies with truth. Choose a lie that you will counter and a day of the week that you will send the text. Set an alarm on your phone right now to remind you to follow through.



Praying Through the Truth for one another  

How can we pray for you in light of what you learned in 1 Thessalonians 3?


You have already prayed a few times during this lesson, so leaders, simply close with a blessing over your group. 



Recommended Books for those in battle and those who disciple them

These books have workbooks too. Be sure to order the book, not the workbook unless you want both. 

Call Bridge Ministries 956-568-7646. If they do not have a book in stock, then they will order it for you.


1.     Every Man’s Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time.                        

by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker

2.     Every Woman’s Battle: Discovering God’s Plan for Sexual and Emotional Fulfillment                        

by Shannon Ethridge

3.     Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault

by Justin S. Holcomb & Lindsey A. Holcomb

4.     The Wounded Heart: Hope for Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse                                               

by Dan B. Allender 


God’s joy and strength to you!                                                                         



The Rapture - Week 6


Unaffected Faith - Week 4