3 A's of Faith - Week 10
For the week of November 8th
Breaking the Ice/Think Time
1. Besides God, what do you tend to put your confidence in?
Quick Review… Looking back at your notes from this Sunday’s sermon, what caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Understanding the Truth (Aim for 30 minutes)
Read Hebrews 11:1-3 (pay attention to the key phrase “by faith”)
1. According to these verses, what is the definition of faith? What was the result of faith for the people of old? (vv. 1-2)
2. In v.3, we are told that by faith (acknowledging) we understand that creation happened by the word of God. What areas of the word of God do you struggle to acknowledge? Discuss with your group
3. If acknowledging all areas of the word of God is difficult for you, what sins are possibly keeping you from doing just that? (selfishness, pride, selfish ambitions, lust of the eyes, covetousness etc.)
Read Hebrews 11:4-35 (pay attention to the key phrase “by faith”)
4. What stands out to you about each person that is mentioned in these verses? What was their response after acknowledging the word of God? vv.4-17
5. In each of these examples we see that the person had faith (acknowledged) God’s word and witnessed God do great things. They didn’t have faith in themselves but in God. Have you been guilty at times of placing more faith in yourself than in God? What areas of life are you prone to do this in?
6. Pastor Eddie made the point that we must acknowledge and then act on the word of God. Identify, areas of your life where you struggle to act on God’s word? Discuss with your group how you might be able to take steps toward action by faith.
Read Hebrews 11:36-40
7. What are some ways that people suffered according to these verses? Is suffering and living by faith a opposites of each other? Vv.36-40
8. Sunday’s sermon challenged us to “Accept” God’s outcome no matter what that might be. Why is it hard for us to accept struggles as from God? What’s a recent outcome that you haven’t trusted God in?
9. What are ways that you can challenge yourself to “Accept” outcomes in this life no matter how difficult that might be? What are some scriptures that encourage you to do this? Share as a group.
Prayer Requests (Aim for minimum of 10 minutes)