Hebrews: A Supreme Son - Week 1


For the week of September 6th

Connecting  (Aim for 15 minutes)                 


Breaking the Ice/Think Time

1. What has been one of your greatest accomplishment until now?


Quick Review… Looking back at your notes from this Sunday’s sermon, what caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?

Understanding the Truth (Aim for 30 minutes)


Read Hebrews 1:1-4

1. What is the author attempting to communicate by contrasting how God previously spoke (“by the prophets”), and how now through His Son has fully spoken to His people? (vs. 1-2)


2. The author lists two ways Jesus represents God, what are they? (vs. 2-3)


3. In biblical literature “glory” often refers to the manifestation of God’s person. Radiance means light reflected by something. In verse 3, Jesus is described as the “radiance of the glory of God”. What does this tell us about Jesus and what He came to do?


4. After making purification for sins, Jesus sat down at “the right hand of the Majesty on high” (vs. 3b). What is the author communicating about His position in stating this? How did Jesus purify our sins?


5. Jesus is declared greater than the prophets and angels because of his more excellent inherited name (v.4). What is the importance of distinguishing Jesus from the angels in the position of the royal heir? 


Read Hebrews 1:5-14

6. In these last verses, the author builds his case for the superiority of Jesus over angels by quoting Old Testament texts. How does Jesus’ relationship to the Father (v. 5), His position over angels (vs. 6-7), His Kingly authority (vs. 8-9), His Lordship over creation (vs. 10-12), His position and power (v. 13) and His angels serving those who are to inherit salvation (v. 14) fortify your faith in Jesus today? 


Living the Truth (Aim for 20 minutes)

1. This section of Hebrews was written to establish the supremacy of Christ as the Son of God, I what area of your life do you struggle to make Him supreme in? How can you submit to his supremacy and lordship?


2. Share with your group if you have understood or have not understood what it means to be saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ? (Eph. 2:8-9)

Prayer Requests   (Aim for minimum of 10 minutes)


Hebrews: Jesus is Life - Week 2