The Big 10 - Week 6: Sexual Purity

Small Group Discussion Guide  
For the week of May 31st, 2020

Connecting (Aim for 15 minutes) 
Breaking the Ice: Think Time

Looking back at your life, what are some regrets you have?  

Quick Review… Looking back on your notes from Sunday’s sermon, what caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?  

Understanding the Truth (Aim for 30 minutes)

  1. What is God’s reason for restricting sex to heterosexual relationships within the boundary of holy matrimony? (Read 1 Thess. 4:3-5) 

  2. What does society say about God’s restriction on sex? How have we exchanged God’s truth for lies and what are some of the consequences?  

  3. In Matthew 5:10-11 Jesus tells us that lustful intent begins in the heart. What are some common myths about how people end up in sexual sin? In other words how are some ways people can “slide” into sin?  

  4. Pastor Eddie mentioned that no one is immune and we need to protect our hearts by setting boundaries. What are some boundaries that can be set to avoid this temptation?  

Living the Truth (Aim for 15 minutes)

  1. What specific steps have you taken or need to take to honor and obey the 7th Commandment? Who will hold you accountable? 

  2. Jesus said “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her” (John. 8:7). In what ways have we been “stone throwers” when it comes to breaking the 7th commandment?  

  3. Read John 8:10. Do you truly believe that Jesus forgives us of our sins and then asks us to go and sin no more? Why or why not? 


The Big 10 - Week 7: Our Struggle with Integrity


The Big 10 - Week 5: All Lives Matter